Who can resist the power of magic? Early on, in discovering my gift in painting, I was working on a picture of Western Brook Pond, a spot in Newfoundland to which I was strongly attracted. As the picture developed on the paper, I had the sensation of ‘peeling’ back the canvas and of the picture just emerging! It was magical! For any fledgling artist this experience would likely have been irresistible but for one in their 60’s, this was a feeling not to ignore with the demand to get busy and discover more.
In many ways I have been creative all my life. I have been blessed with an artisan spirit inspired and nurtured by all of my interests and activities. Growing up, I watched and learned from my mother, aunts, and grandmother how to cook, bake, sew, and knit. I also watched my father design and build houses and, later in his life, rediscover his artistic talents expressed through renderings of the rugged landscapes of northern Ontario in oils and water colours. An appreciation of design, colour, and daring were ingrained. When I received the gift of a small space to call a studio, and Pastels reached out and grabbed me to claim me as their medium, I could not refuse. With the encouragement of my family, friends, and some wonderful teachers, I continue to blossom in this exciting journey and I am anxious to see where the magic will take me next.